
Showing posts from January, 2022

Beauty Really Exists

  Beauty. What is beauty? A question which has given all the philosophers, observers and wise men sleepless nights trying to provide a definition which suits all sorts. But beauty exists both independently and exclusively contradicting every definition that's been used to define it. Stating the word of Confucius:- "Everything has beauty but not everyone can see it." Seems legit but even if it's true it doesn't stop everyone from developing their own ideas of beauty. Ideas that are convincing, ideas that are explainable and ideas that are appealing. And between all the assumptions, presumptions and preconceived notions beauty has definitely lost it's meaning . From being a delight to the soul, beauty, rather has become a weapon to condescend those who lie below the line of perfect curves, appealing colour of skin, kind of hair or particular facial sets, a judgement based on practices begin by fo...

Account Based Marketing - Why Businesses Should Consider It

  ACCOUNT BASED MARKETING - WHY BUSINESSES SHOULD CONSIDER IT Account-based marketing or ABM has been around for a very long time, but it is only now that people are really paying attention to it and implementing it closely and more consciously as part of their marketing campaign. It involves taking your resources and placing them all on a set of targeted accounts within the market. The business strategy uses campaigns that have been personalized to engage each account individually . These campaigns are developed by looking at the specific needs and wants of an account. Many people across the industry consider account-based marketing revolutionary and cutting edge. This is because the strategy looks at marketing holistically, as a whole, whereas older techniques focus too heavily on lead generation. A key attribute within account-based marketing looks at wagering and taking advantage of larger accounts. This means t...

Beauty - Need to Re-Discover It?

  The spirit of our times seems to no longer value beauty. Prince Charles was talking to the Royal Institute of British Architects at the occasion of their 150th anniversary about the proposed extension of the National Gallery. "What is proposed is like a monstrous carbuncle on the face of a much loved and elegant friend. " (Prince of Wales) He had seen much British architecture as sterile and plain ugly. Is this still true? And do we need to re-discover beauty around us? Defining beauty When we see something beautiful its beauty is subjectively felt . Yet, the concept of beauty and ugliness is elusive and difficult to put into words and define. Perhaps this is because of individual differences in our appreciation of it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What one person finds beautiful, another merely sentimental. One, attractive, another repulsive. Beauty has been said to be something to do with appreciating harmo...

Truth, Beauty, Goodness

  Can one know what true beauty and goodness are? Is there an objectivity to these attributes, or are they merely what one perceives them to be? Let us focus on what God has created women to be and what society tells them to be. Does the truth lie in women being successful career women to the exclusion of their own feminine nature; in being dependent on the admiration of others for their self-worth; or in their being mere physical objects of pleasure? Or are they called to find the truth of their dignity in the model of Mary, Virgin Mother of God, who reflects and participates in the Divine Truth, Beauty, and Goodness of which all creation is called to reflect and share in? The question of truth, beauty, and goodness is one that has intrigued men for centuries. The pagan philosophers seek to identify that which is True, Good, and Beautiful . For the Christian, however, there can be no other answer than that which af...